
As a buyer for business, how much do you think tariffs effect your purchases?

Very little
A great deal
Very much

Link to Us!

With a link to American Purchasing Society's web site, your users will have access to business purchasing tools, techniques, and information.

You can now make this high-value information available directly to your site visitors by placing an American Purchasing Society link on your web page.

Setting up the Link
To create the link from your website to, simply copy the HTML code below and paste it into the code of your own website where you would like the link to appear.

You can link to the Home Page with the following code:
<a href="">American Purchasing Society</a>

Further Questions
For technical questions about American Purchasing Society's web site or linking to the Web site, please send an email to up your buyer and managers and add value to your site with a link to the information available at today.