
As a buyer for your company, how much are you influenced by the amount of state or use tax on the products you buy?

Not at all.
Very little.
To some extent.
Somewhat, if there is any alternative.
A great deal.

The American Purchasing Society provides a large library of purchasing publications with relevant information for its' members. This includes the Professional Purchasing magazine, which has been developed since 1972, as well as articles covering a variety of topics relating to the purchasing industry.

Professional Purchasing Includes:

  • Articles written to help purchasing professionals perform their job more efficiently.
  • Reviews of the economy, price indexes, and business related news.
  • Advertisements for job openings for buyers, purchasing managers, or purchasing executives.
  • Tips on purchasing related subjects.
  • Questions from members are answered.
  • Schedules for our online purchasing and supply courses.
  • Member profiles
  • Professional development books offered by the Society
  • Certification Announcements
  • and More!


The articles published by the American Purchasing Society cover topics from negotiating, benchmarking, career decisions, to e-commerce, delivery and much more. Become a member of our professional purchasing organization today!

The course Essential Law for Buyers and Sellers was outstanding. Until now, I have never had a discussion with any of my supervisors about these laws, and I am not sure they even know they exist. Math for Purchasing was a tough way to spend a Saturday but a much needed course in my line of work. It will make me a much better asset to my employer.

Steve Stafford
Purchasing Director
Lakeview Christian Home
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