
As a buyer for business, how much do you think tariffs effect your purchases?

Very little
A great deal
Very much

Share your  professional purchasing certification experience.

Purchasing certifications and procurement certification programs offered by the American Purchasing Society are important to purchasing professionals for a number of valid reasons.

Business management recognizes the growing complexity and heavy demands of the purchasing operation. Executives need the assurance that their purchasing managers and buyers are adequately trained, reliable, and dedicated to their professions.

To view a short list of companies that have had employees apply for purchasing certifications and procurement certification courses through the Society, click here.

There is a growing realization in the business world that only professionals can get the job done in a professional manner. The American Purchasing Society award of certification provides general management a degree of confidence in the ability and integrity of the people who have been or will be selected to do the job.

Secondly, there is ample precedent reflecting the benefits of professional business certification in the history of other areas of business operation, such as engineering, accounting, law, etc.

Other facts supporting the need for certification of purchasing people include a marked degree of improvement in personal confidence, satisfaction, and pride which results from certification - and it is manifested by improved performance on the part of the certified individual. Also, procurement certifications permit close control of spurious purchasing practices and offers opportunities for increased earning levels in purchasing operations based on recognition of professional competence and performance.

I have just been Certified Purchasing Professional and the intensive course syllabus for the CPP program gave me a lot of new insights and knowledge. it gave me more confidence to do my job.

Armando Mariano
Procurement Officer
College of Micronesia-FSM
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