
As a buyer for business, on the average of your top five suppliers, click on which one of the four choices below do you use to qualify those suppliers?

Evaluate supplier's financial statments and visit facilities.
Meet supplier's top executives and sales people in person.
Friendly with phone order clerk and read quality & on time delivery report.
None of the above.

For the first few months a new employee is usually given a grace period to learn the unique aspects of t..." />

Minimize Ill Will When You Leave a Supplier

Date: 04/01/2007

For the first few months a new employee is usually given a grace period to learn the unique aspects of the job. Sometimes that period is referred to as "the honeymoon" because your image has not been tarnished by mistakes and your image is still based on your previous record of experience and education. During your first few months, minor mistakes are usually overlooked. If those mistakes pile up or become more serious, your tenure may prove rather short.

Terminations, however, are not usually the result of employee errors or incompetence. Most terminations and lack of progress up the organization ladder are due to personality conflicts. You can reduce those conflicts by a few simple rules of behavior.

Control Your Temper

Never fly off the handle. Avoid raising your voice. Listen to the other person’s point of view. Handle the situation with reason.

Be Aware of Your Image

Always arrive early and stay beyond the official quitting time. Don’t take excessively long lunches. You should not, however, overdo the hours spent on the job. You will then give the impression you are insecure or inefficient and cannot get the job done in the time allowed. Be assertive as required of the job without seeming to be too aggressive or ambitious. Your peers will shoot you down if they think you are a threat to their jobs or future opportunities.

Fit the Company Environment

Act appropriately for your position but be aware of the customs within your organization and your industry. Don’t overdress or be too casual. Send formal typed memos if that is the practice in your organization or handwritten notes if that seems to be the preferred standard.

Accomplish Your Goals

Show results from your work. Make sure that you are productive and get your work done on schedule.

Avoid Stagnation

The minute you stop learning you begin falling behind. Education is a never-ending process. Make sure you are learning and using modern technology. The surest way to be sent out to pasture is to refuse to adapt to new methods.

Be Flexible

Accept changes without persistent argument. Be adaptable to new assignments and responsibility. If you want to keep your job, be ready to move your residence if necessary.

Be Totally Honest

Avoid any possibility that you might be under suspicion of dishonesty or conflict of interests.

Create Important Friendships and Loyalties

Friends are more likely to favor you with a promotion than strangers who know little about you. Loyal employees will give you information when you need it and help you attain your goals.

Communicate Effectively

Don’t sit back and expect that the excellent job you are doing will be recognized and you will then be given a promotion. Superior performance is usually recognized, but unless you indicate your desire for more responsibility, you may be taken for granted. Some management may actually avoid promoting you because you are doing such a good job in your present position. They may feel they cannot find a replacement who will do as well.

Be Active In Your Professional Association

Companies from all over the U.S. call the American Purchasing Society to get the names of qualified purchasing people. Every day we get resumes from buyers and purchasing executives who have never joined the Society. They expect us to help find them a job or refer them to openings that we know of. We also receive resumes and requests from members. Our first job is to serve our members. If they have the needed qualifications, we are going to submit their names first.

Even if your behavior is perfect, there is no guarantee that your present job will always be secure, but by acting in the right way and doing all the right things you will build up a reputation as a valuable employee. You will find it easier to find a new position and your company may help you do so. Your references will give glowing reports about your capabilities and performance.v