
As a buyer for business, on the average of your top five suppliers, click on which one of the four choices below do you use to qualify those suppliers?

Evaluate supplier's financial statments and visit facilities.
Meet supplier's top executives and sales people in person.
Friendly with phone order clerk and read quality & on time delivery report.
None of the above.

Those who may make the following assumptions prevent the best possible purchasing performance. In each c..." />

Ten False Assumptions To Avoid

Date: 07/01/2010

Those who may make the following assumptions prevent the best possible purchasing performance. In each case, the stated claim may be true, but it is just as likely to be false. Continual testing and comparison in the marketplace is the only way to be sure you are doing the best possible job.

False Assumptions

1. Small companies can’t perform or provide the best products or services. Not always true.

2. Small companies always offer the lowest cost. Not always true, much depends on the volume and work involved.

3. A well written contract guarantees a successful purchase. There is much more to consider in addition to writing a good contract.

4. You get a better deal from a good longtime supplier. Sometimes you may, but more often there are suppliers out there who can do better if you locate them.

5. Large companies can perform better. Maybe, but large companies fail too.

6. Large companies have higher prices (or large companies have lower prices). The only way to know in a particular situation is to get competitive bids.

7. Thinking you have the lowest possible cost for any particular product is a very dangerous assumption. There is usually a lower cost product available somewhere.

8. Thinking you can always believe (or never believe) what a salesperson tells you. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

9. Thinking your business is very valuable to the supplier. Sometimes the cost of doing business with you is higher than the supplier is willing to accept.

10. There is an existing supplier of the products you buy that you do not know about.

What other false assumptions can you add to this list? Let us know your ideas and comments about this list. Send your thoughts via email to: