
As a buyer for business, on the average of your top five suppliers, click on which one of the four choices below do you use to qualify those suppliers?

Evaluate supplier's financial statments and visit facilities.
Meet supplier's top executives and sales people in person.
Friendly with phone order clerk and read quality & on time delivery report.
None of the above.

Help Solve Your Organization's Problems

Date: 03/01/2015

There are four types of employees. One type constantly complains and finds fault with almost everything. Another type thinks everything is fine just the way it is. The third type believes almost everything is wrong but never complains and just goes along and does his or her job without comment. The fourth type is rare. They try to see what is good and right about the situation as well as what is less than perfect. They then try to come up with ideas or suggestions that will improve conditions.

One way to come up with ideas is to imagine yourself in the general manager’s job. This is not easy. You really need to concentrate and think about it without distraction or interruption. Here are some things to think about:

As a newly appointed general manager what should I do first? What are my biggest priorities? Who should I talk to first?

What questions should I ask? How many should I talk to before taking action?

What reports should I ask for? What reports should be created? What information takes priority? How should information be submitted to me?

Who should report to me? What is the organization structure? How will I change that structure (centralized or decentralized)? How much authority should I delegate?

How will I support the various functions that report to me? How can I get the various departments to cooperate? How can I deal with the difficult people?


Using these items and others, try to see what suggestions you can offer your organization. Take action to implement what you can or solicit help to achieve the goals. You are not likely to advance in your profession if you act like the first three types described above. Be action oriented. Be a problem solver. Sooner or later your high value will be recognized and you will be rewarded. Ref: Dec2009